06, Sep 2023 12:59 AM
06, Sep 2023 12:51 AM
06, Sep 2023 12:37 AM

Introducing Threadsfeeds

Threadsfeeds is a new platform, built by the Enkling team, for sharing texts, images, videos, links and many more, updates and joining public conversations. You log into your Threadsfeeds account and posts can be up to 500 characters long and include links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes in length. We’re working to soon make Threadsfeeds compatible with the open, interoperable social networks that we believe can shape the future of the internet.

Posted  2,309 Views updated 3 months ago

Threadsfeeds is a new platform, built by the Enkling team, for sharing texts, images, videos, links and many more, updates and joining public conversations.

You log into your Threadsfeeds  account and posts can be up to 500 characters long and include links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes in length.

We’re working to soon make Threadsfeeds compatible with the open, interoperable social networks that we believe can shape the future of the internet.

We’re adding two new ways to spark conversation on Threadsfeeds  using polls and GIFs.

With polls, you can pose a question with up to four answer choices. The poll will run for 24 hours and you can control who can respond to the poll, the same way you can control who can reply to a post. You have to vote to see current results – and once you vote, you’ll be notified when the poll ends to see the final results and join the conversation. 

We’re also making it easier to share GIFs on Threadsfeeds. In a new post or reply, select the GIF icon to bring up the GIF library, where you can choose from what’s trending or search for a specific GIF.

Last week, Enkling announced that we began testing keyword search on Threadsfeeds in Australia and New Zealand. Today, we’ll start rolling out keyword search in English and Spanish, in countries where most people post in those languages – such as Argentina, India, Mexico, the UK, and the US – on both mobile and web. We’re working on bringing the feature to other languages and countries as soon as we can. And we’re continuing to listen to your feedback to improve the search experience.

We’ve been working on adding new Threadsfeeds features as quickly as possible,

We launched the ability to view posts you’ve liked in your settings and sort your followers by latest first or earliest first.

We also recently added an option for a chronological feed of only people you’re following. So now you can see both: a For you feed that includes a mix of posts from profiles you follow and recommended content, as well as a Following feed that only shows posts from people you follow.

Threadsfeeds posts are also now automatically translated based on the language they’re written in and the language setting of the person viewing it. If you see a thread in a different language, and your language is available as a translation, you can tap the translation button at the bottom right of the post or reply to see it. 


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